Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a type of stroke where bleeding occurs within the brain tissue itself. The blood clot causes damage to the brain tissue in that area leading to signs and symptoms. Also, the blood clot may lead to increased pressure in the brain and subsequent symptoms. The bleeding may occur due to a number of reasons such as
About 10% of all strokes occur due to intracerebral hemorrhage while 80% occur due to ischemic stroke (due to blockage of arteries supplying the brain). This translates to about 12-15 cases per 100,000/year in general population. About 40% of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage eventually die and a large proportion of the rest are left with permanent disability. Advancing age and uncontrolled high blood pressure are major risk factors for ICH.
Outcome following intracerebral hemorrhage depends upon the cause, location and extent of bleed. Prompt diagnosis and treatment helps to minimize complications and long term sequelae.
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